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2013 Awards

The 2013 Landscape Awards were held at a new format lunchtime event in Dublin on Friday 18th October 2013.

The lunch was well supported with over 130 guests from various aspects of the landscape industry across Ireland. This years guest of Honour was Mr Tom Hayes T.D. Minister for Horticulture who presented the awards with ALCI President, Peter O'Toole.

All the judges this year commented on the exceptionally high standard of projects and it was great to see so many entries across the categories a definite increase from the previous two years.

Congratulations to Mark Annett, Annett Landscaping on winning his first Bog Oak Trophy for a stunning private garden in Warrenpoint.

Click on the green boxes to the left to see the winners and merits in each category and photographs from the Awards lunch are in the Awards Lunch Gallery.

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